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Trail Talk 316 - June 12, 2024


There has been a lot of tree planting recently.  The Maitland Trail Association volunteers have been planting in the Sifto Loop area to help fill in the gaps from the Common Buckthorn removal.  The G2G volunteers have been busy planting trees along the trail. A recent effort was to plant small White Pines and Silver Maples on the Trail West of Westmount Line, using a grant from Trees Canada.   Work on a boardwalk in the Maitland Woods at junction B is being completed.  Our trails would soon be regained by nature if it was not for the army of volunteers who keep them in shape.

            Despite walking Huron County trails for over 17 years, I am still often surprised.  Recently while walking close to the Bayfield River, I surprised two fox cubs, which quickly disappeared.  At the Sheppardton tract, two frogs jumped into the small pond formed from an uprooted tree.  These were identified as wood frogs. These are the only frogs found in every province and territory.

            Walking on the Hullett Sugar Bush white trail, I did not see any frogs at the pond, where I nearly always see them.  Later on while on the green trail, thinking about this, I saw a green frog hop into a pond and then a Leopard Frog. I also saw some Showy Lady’s Slipper Orchids in blossom on June 5th which is earlier than usual. 


 A recent visitor to our garden was a Giant Swallowtail. I had only seen it once before in 2021 in the Nature Conservancy property. It did not stop for long, but iNaturalist still identified it from a blurred photo. Later in the day it settled long enough for Thyra to take a better photo.

            On June 2nd it was raining prior to the start of the hike at Naftel’s, which stopped 2 hikers from coming , however, this did not discourage six hikers who enjoyed a hike, especially as the rain had just stopped.  Having lived in Britain in my youth I learned to hike even when it rained as otherwise, I would have been inside far too much.  



The work on the G2G tunnel under County Road has started and that portion of the G2G and County Road will be closed until at least mid June.


Saturday June 15th 1:00 p.m. Hike the Maitland Trail from Cherrydale Road to Sharpes Creek Line – meet at 80965 Sharpes Creek Line (near Bishop’s Road), to carpool to Cherrydale Road. Expect to take about 2.5 hours. For more information and to confirm your attendance, please contact Patrick Capper at This is a Level 3, brisk pace, 2.5 hours.


Friday June 21st 6pm to 8.30p.m. The Maitland Valley Conservation Foundation is celebrating the Full Moon Summer Solstice at the Falls Reserve. Meet at 6pm, Yoga 6.30-730, Hike 7.30-8.30  Book through Eventbrite. Cost $27.96, proceeds go towards the cost of the picnic shelter at Wawanosh Conservation.


Saturday September 21st and Sunday September 22nd The Maitland Trail Association is holding its El Camino Maitland, when you can hike the whole 50 km trail in two days or opt for shorter parts of the trail.  See the Maitland Trail Website to register.


All participants taking part in the Maitland Trail events should sign the waiver for 2024, preferably the online version.


            Tuesday Trompers meet at 9 a.m. on Tuesday to hike for about an hour. If you wish to be on this email list, send an email to

            Midweek Hikers hike for 1 ½ to 2 hours on Wednesdays or Thursdays, contact Patrick Capper.

Both groups meet at 9 a.m. and are open to non-members provided they sign the MTA On-line waiver.

If you have questions or something of interest for Trail Talk email me Patrick Capper at


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