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Trail Talk 317 - June 19, 2024


Many of the flowers along the trails at this time of year are invasive. For a full list of Ontario Invasive Plants see The Garlic mustard is one of the worst invasives but has generally now gone to seed.  Dame’s Rocket* (the Phlox look alike) is in full bloom, Himalayan Balsam is, or soon will be, in blossom – There is a massive patch on the G2G on the hill opposite the Grain Elevators. Other common invasives in our area include Periwinkle* and the garden variety of Lily of the Valley* (e.g. see the large patches at the start of the Sifto Loop).

Purple Loosestrife will soon be in bloom (There is a large patch on the G2G just West of the Auburn Microwave Tower), and later in summer Spotted Knapweed will be much in evidence (e.g. at the Falls Reserve).  Invasive trees and shrubs that are common in our area are European or Tatarian Honeysuckles (e.g. on the Exeter trails) Autumn Olive (e.g. at Hullett) and Common and Glossy* Buckthorns. The berries on these plants do not provide good nutrition for birds, especially when they need good food for migrating. This is why these days there is much more emphasis installing native plants rather than alien ones. (* indicates invasives not on the Ontario species list).


 Norway Maple, Tree of Heaven, Ornamental Pear* and Siberian Elm* are invasive and unpalatable to native insect herbivores. Larry Cornelis, author of “Trees Forest and Nature in Southwestern Ontario”, recommends Oaks, Willows, Cherries/Plums, Birches, Poplars and Aspens. He is strongly against non-native trees and native cultivars which are genetically identical e.g. Autumn Blaze Maple and Shade Master Locust. Oak trees (except English oaks) are important as they have the highest ecological values of any tree supporting great biodiversity. He suggests that if you can only plant one tree it should be an oak. In contrast to the oak, a Ginkgo tree supports little biodiversity.


One native tree now in blossom is the Tulip Tree, they are fast growing Carolinian tree which can live up to 450 years. There are two near Huronview and one at the junction of Benmiller Line and Londesboro Road.



The work on the G2G tunnel under County Road has started and that portion of the G2G and county road will probably be closed until late June.


Friday June 21st 6pm to 8.30p.m. the Maitland Valley conservation foundation is celebrating the Full Moon Summer Solstice at the Falls Reserve Meet at 6pm, Yoga 6.30-730, Hike 7.30-8.30 book through Eventbrite. Cost $27.96, proceeds towards the cost of the picnic shelter at Wawanosh Conservation.

Saturday June 22nd 10.a.m. Mindfulness Walk on the Millennium trail. Meet at the church parking lot on Mill road. Walk, pause, and explore mindfulness techniques, Walking Meditation, and Forest Therapy.

Designed for those who want the benefits of meditation but prefer to move!

Dress appropriately for moving slowly.  Registration: For more information and to confirm your attendance, please contact Tanya MacIntyre via email or text 519-616-3636.

Level: This hike is Level 1, slow pace, 1.5 hours.


Sunday July 7th 1 p.m. Hike on the Maitland Trail and Robertson Tract trails for about 1 ½ - Meet at the bottom of Bridge Road near the Auburn end of the Maitland Trail. This section has no significant hills.  For more information and to confirm your attendance, please contact Patrick Capper at  This is a Level 1, brisk pace, 1.5 hours.


Saturday September 21st and Sunday September 22nd the Maitland Trail Association is holding its annual El Camino Maitland, when you can hike the whole 50 km in two days or opt for shorter parts of the trail.  See the Maitland Trail Website to register.  Registration is 95% sold out!

All participants taking part in the Maitland Trail events should sign the waiver for 2024, preferably the online version.    

         Tuesday Trompers meet at 9 a.m. on Tuesday to hike for about an hour. If you wish to be on this email list, send an email to

            Midweek Hikers hike for 1 ½ to 2 hours on Wednesdays or Thursdays, contact Patrick Capper.

Both groups meet at 9 a.m. and are open to non-members provided they sign the MTA On-line waiver.

If you have questions or something of interest for Trail Talk email me Patrick Capper at


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