Although winter is not quite over – still a possibility of snow to come, the record-breaking hot weather resulted in very early blossoms of periwinkle on March 3rd, violets on March 5th, and Coltsfoot on March 7th. The Tundra swans were seen on February 7th on Greenway Road according to the Lambton Museum Tundra Swan Migration Calendar.
In their 19 years of record keeping, only in 2012 were the swans seen earlier (on Feb 3rd). This year, about 1000 were seen on Feb 12th and 22nd.

When I hiked on the Sugar Bush trails on Tuesday, I noticed a wasp nest high up in a tree over the yellow trail. Although I had hiked on the trail quite often, this was the first time I noticed the nest. I realized that it was more easily seen when hiking from West to East, and I have usually hiked the trail East to West. It is quite high up and usually I look at the trail (for tripping hazards) and tend to look sideways rather than upwards, unless I see or hear a bird.

I am sometimes asked if I hike on the trails every day. On checking my records for last year, I did not hike about 12% of the time, though usually had some other exercise such as pickle ball, dancing or mowing the lawn. I usually go out twice a day when dog sitting, so I was out about 365 times on the trails. The trails I used the most were at Front Road, Lobbs, Hullett Sugar Bush and the Maitland Trail at Sharpes Creek Line. I was on 35 different trails, most of which are included in Huron County Hiking Guide, all 38 of which I have hiked at some time or another except for the Taylor Tract as it is 62 km from where I live just outside Clinton.
Sunday March 17th 10 am: St Patrick’s Day hike on the G2G. Meet at the end of Hardwood Line Auburn next to the Microwave Tower. Hike in and back for about 1 ½ hours at a moderate pace. For more information and to confirm your attendance, please contact Patrick Capper at pcapper99@gmail.com.
Tuesday March 19th 7pm: at Bayfield Town Hall “Story of Our Local Landscapes” by Larry Cornelis
Saturday March 23rd 1pm: World Water Day Guided Hike hosted by BRVTA. Their special guest presenter is Jen Pate, co-founder of ‘Love Your Greats’ Meet at Deer Park Lodge Cottages, just north of Bayfield (76803 Bluewater Highway).
All participants taking part in the Maitland Trail events should sign the waiver for 2024, preferably the online version.
Tuesday Trompers meet at 9 a.m. on Tuesday to hike for about an hour. If you wish to be on this email list, send an email to mta@maitlandtrail.ca
Midweek Hikers hike for 1 ½ to 2 hours on Wednesdays or Thursdays, contact Patrick Capper.
Both groups meet at 9 a.m. and are open to non-members provided they sign the MTA On-line waiver.
If you have questions or something of interest for Trail Talk email me Patrick Capper at pcapper99@gmail.com.