It's that time of year when the warming temperatures bring wet and muddy trails. As we enter the spring season of hiking, remember to hike safe and hike smart.
You can hike safe by:
choosing your hike wisely. Consider avoiding lowland or shady areas where paths may take longer to dry out. If a situation seems unsafe, turn around.
dressing for weather and trail conditions. Wear sturdy, waterproof boots to protect your feet. Consider using gaiters for extra protection and hiking poles for stability.
You can hike smart by:
walking in the middle of the trail. While it's tempting to avoid mud and puddles, walking off the path can damage nearby vegetation and cause erosion along the trail. Stick to the centre of the path and on the hard surfaces provided, like boardwalks.
always being prepared for your hike. Bring extra water for hydration and consider bug repellent or mosquito netting. Conditions change with the weather and paths can become more challenging when slippery. All our wilderness recreation trails are used at your own risk.
Stay safe this hiking season and thank you for helping to keep the trails thriving!
The Bruce Trails Conservancy offers more great tips on staying safe and hiking responsibly when trails are muddy: https://brucetrail.org/hiking-in-muddy-conditions/