On May 25th, at the break of dawn, Boris Rajic undertook an extraordinary challenge: running the entire Maitland Trail from Auburn to Goderich and back. Covering an astonishing 104 kilometers in just 16 hours and 16 minutes, Boris not only pushed his endurance to the limit but also documented his journey in a captivating video. The footage, which concludes with an emotional nighttime reunion with his family and friends, vividly captures a story of determination, resilience, and triumph.
In this interview, Boris reflects on his remarkable adventure, offering insights and advice for fellow trail enthusiasts.
Q1: Tell us a bit about yourself.
Boris Rajic: My name is Boris Rajic. I am 32 years old, a proud husband, and father of two, with a third on the way. I love nature and have a passion for physical fitness, particularly long-distance running, martial arts, climbing, and weight training. Over the past four years, long-distance running has become my primary activity. I enjoy the challenges presented by ultra distances and figuring out how to overcome them. My life goal is to complete a 100-miler, and I am actively pursuing that dream.
Q2: How did you first hear about the Maitland Trail?
Boris Rajic: My co-worker friend introduced me to the trail during a training run. He is an experienced runner and had run it several times before. I instantly fell in love with the trail.
Q3: What was the most challenging part of the trail for you?
Boris Rajic: The stretch leaving Falls Reserve Campground through Morris Tract, between the 36th and 44th kilometers, was particularly challenging. There are some steep, rugged sections that really test your legs, and the technical pockets in that area require careful footing.
Q4: Do you have a favorite section of the trail?
Boris Rajic: My favorite section is probably around the falls in Falls Reserve Campground, starting at the 35th kilometer. The area offers two mini waterfalls and gorgeous top-down views of the lake, making it a truly beautiful part of the trail.
Q5: What advice would you give to anyone discovering the trail for the first time?
Boris Rajic: Apart from enjoying the beauty of the trail and surroundings, it’s important to be familiar with how the directional blazes work. The trail is well-marked, but hikers need to know how to read the required turns. One blaze indicates to continue straight, while two blazes stacked on top of each other indicate a turn. If the higher blaze is on the right, it means a right turn; if it’s on the left, it means a left turn. The trail is incredible, and I highly encourage people to check it out.
"The day filled me with so much gratitude for the MTA and how well taken care of the trail is”.
Boris also joined the Maitland Trail Association as a member in May and has eagerly signed up for volunteer opportunities. He looks forward to giving back and helping to maintain the beauty and integrity of the Maitland Trail.