Annual Rates:
Family $25.00
Individual $20.00
Supporter Benefits:
Invitation to participate in organized MTA events offered year-round by certified hike leaders.
Discounts are available to MTA supporters for yearly FRCA membership passes and daily passes. MTA Supporters are not permitted free vehicle access to FRCA. See the FRCA Page for more information).
Newsletter in your inbox 3 times per year.
Most importantly, you’ll be supporting an organization that actively promotes environmental awareness, outdoor recreation for fun and fitness, and community engagement.
How to Register:
Download and print the Registration Form. Mail your completed form and cheque to MTA (or pay online by e-transfer or PayPal).
Complete the Online Registration Form and pay via PayPal or eTransfer.
Send eTransfer to:
Important: When we receive notice of your eTransfer, it does not include your physical address. So, please be sure to send us your information using the online form.
Register for the Supporter Program for one year (January 1 to December 31), or set up a subscription below where fees are automatically sent to MTA annually for 5 years. Cancel anytime through your PayPal account.
Supporter Program - Family $25.00
Supporter Program - Individual $20.00